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House Wine


月光石薩瓦涅白酒 2020 

Moonstone Savagnin

$240 / 125ml

紅玉石希哈紅酒 2018

$320 / 125ml

Bloodstone Shiraz

新月田帕尼優自然酒 2020

$ 360 / 125ml

Luna Temprana Tempranillo

莊園有機白 / 粉紅系列

Regional Organic Whites


月光石薩瓦涅白酒 2020 

Moonstone Savagnin

$ 980

草莓月格那希田帕尼優混釀粉紅 2020

$ 980

Luna de Fresa Grenache Tempranillo


Biodynamic Nature Style Wines

新月田帕尼優自然酒 2020 

$ 1,380

Luna Temprana Tempranillo


Regional Organic Reds

紅玉石希哈紅酒 2018

$ 1,280

Bloodstone Shiraz

硃砂石GSM混釀紅酒 2017

$ 1,380

Cinnabar GSM

月神田帕尼優紅酒 2017

$ 1,480

Luna Roja Tempranillo

裸鑽希哈紅酒 2016 

$ 1,480

Uncut Shiraz


Biodynamic Icon Wines

幻影十號混釀紅酒 2019

$ 2,480

The Phantom Red Blend 10

硃砂石GSM混釀紅酒 2017

$ 2,480

Cinnabar GSM

黑曜石精選希哈紅酒 2018

$ 3,480

Obsidian Shiraz


Global Limited Small Batch Organic Wines

全球限量小批量手工格納希紅酒 2018

$ 2,980

Global Limited Small Batch Grenache

全球限量小批量手工慕維得爾紅酒 2019

$ 2,980

Global Limited Small Batch Mataro

Don’t Drink and Drive. No Alcohol Will Be Served to Anyone Under 18.
每位最低消費為一份餐點或飲品。另加收 10% 服務費。自備餐酒,酌收開瓶費,$500/瓶。
Minimum Order: A Meal or a drink per person. All prices are subject to 10% service charge. CORKAGE – $500 per 750ml bottle.

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